Pastor Stephen Pierce pioneered Living Word Christian Church in 2001. Prior to being called to Vernal, Utah he pioneered a church in Long Pine, Nebraska for almost 10 years. Before that he was on the staff at Elam church in Houston, Texas as a Singles Minister. He is the father to many young ministers in Living Word Christian Church operating in the office of a pastor and teacher and also flows in prophetic anointing. His 28 years of ministry experience makes him a great asset to the body of Christ locally.

In 1986 The Lord called Pastor Stephen into full time ministry. In 1990 he and his wife Ginger went through two years at Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, they graduated in 1992. Since he has a heart for people he went through pastor class which gave him a better understanding of how to be a good shepherd to God’s people.

After he received his training he was led by the Spirit, along with his wife, to Long Pine, Nebraska to start work there. He saw many miracles of God. God started to work with nothing, turning it into something very wonderful. He also saw the peoples lives change right before his own eyes.

Since 2001 he has been the Pastor of Living Word Christian Church, God’s hands have never left Pastor Stephen. Pastor Stephen operates in a strong healing anointing and his main goal is to deposit Faith, Healing, Authority, Victory and Power in believers and how to live an abundant life as the Bible states we can. He teaches prophecy of end times and messages to build up the body of Christ. He has passion to train and develop young ministers for the gospel. God’s Spirit still leads, God’s work is still going on.


Along with her husband, Ginger Pierce Pastors Living Word Christian Church in Vernal, Utah. Her passion for the lost and sick has compelled her to lead the congregation in outreaches. Through community Christmas outreach, helping elderly and needy families, helping service men and women and wounded soldiers and their families.

In 1994 she was anointed by God for healing ministry. She also operates in prophetic anointing. Pastor Ginger preaches messages, works in various ministries in the church and organizes all the departments in the church.

She is the mother of 6 and grandmother of 17. She always has time for everyone wherever there is a need. She is the one right there to see to it that the need is met. She believes in the Spirit of excellence. God has blessed her with wisdom, faith, a heart of compassion, vision and goals for the church and body of Christ.